With Carol Coyne (INHC)
Wellness For Busy People
Life is hectic with seemingly never-ending to-do lists. Creating balance can be a daunting task when there are deadlines to march toward, early call-times, meetings to attend...and when dinner still needs to get on the table at the end of a long day.
Don't have an hour to make a meal from scratch every night? No problem. Don't have 30 minutes a day to do some hard-core cardio? That's okay too. Can't find 15 minutes to try and "quiet the mind" while meditating? We can work with that. I practice a holistic approach to achieving overall wellness, in the most efficient way possible.
There are many ways to have a busy, healthy life. All it takes is introducing small, efficient changes slowly. Ever try a fad diet that went wrong? Me too. Fad diets don't work because taking on too much too soon is a set-up for failure. An approach which focuses on slow, methodical changes over time is far more sustainable, and produces lasting results - which is the reason I use this approach with my clients.
The idea of bio-individuality revolves around uniqueness. Each person on this earth is one-of-a-kind. One person's food is another person's poison, which is why I do not prescribe just one diet or way of eating for everyone - each client is unique and has their own set of needs.

Primary Food
Overall wellness is about more than the food we put into our bodies. The "primary food" in our lives also plays a substantial role in our health and happiness. Our relationships, spirituality, career, and physical activity give us nourishment and a sense of fulfillment - which is the reason why the idea of "primary food" is an integral part of my health coaching program.